Clothing Review: T-shirts from Victoria’s Secret Sport

Although I’ve loved lululemon since I started wearing the brand way back in 2010, I consider myself an equal opportunity fitness clothing buyer. I’ve also got items from lucy (great brand), Zobha, GapFit and REI. Since I wanted some new T-shirts, but I didn’t want to shell out big bucks for new lulu, I decided to buy three from Victoria’s Secret Sport line. This was during the semi-annual sale so I scored some deep discounts and got free shipping to boot. Wahoo! Sometimes all you need to do is wait to save.


Above’s the black and white striped one I got. I personally love it. It’s my first striped shirt ever. Yay!

The shirts are made out of a thin cotton/viscose material that’s supposedly breathes really well (I’ll test this out come summer). They appear to be high-quality, but since they are thin, I suspect they may be prone to snags. Hopefully not though. They’re all a deep V-neck cut and the ones with the VSX logo are a very pretty red (it’s more pinkish though) and black. These are a nice, sexy (duh) alternative to the typical bland running tee. They are fairly sheer though–the VSX lettering throughout shows your skin. I like the feature, but if you feel more comfortable covering up, I’d suggest you go with a different brand. The lighter colors will show your bra too. If you prefer not showing your sports bras (I’ve got a few used-to-white-but-now-they’re-gray-ish ones tucked in my closet, so I feel you), I’d stick with the dark, solid colors.


Some of the sheerness on display.

Overall though, I was pleasantly surprised with the quality and style. These are sexy and hopefully will last for a while. Just as an aside, I also tried on some of the brand’s capris and was impressed with the quality too. I did the “bend test” (he he) and the capris passed. I ultimately didn’t get the pair since the stripes running throughout the crop emphasized my hips, but it’s nice to know I’ve got another place where I can buy my beloved stretchy pants.

A Few of My Favorite Things

Sure, the holidays are over (and thank God for that!), but there’s always time to stop and reflect on things in our lives that just make everything better. So without further ado, here’s a list of my favorite things.

1. Free (!) cupcakes from Georgetown Cupcake. I sure am glad I don’t live close to a GTown location, because otherwise I’d have more trouble keeping the pounds off than I already do. So every day, GTown tweets and posts a Facebook status with its not-on-the-menu flavor. If you ask for it at the counter, the clerks will give you one from 100 the store gives out every day. How sweet (literally!) is that? I went twice like week for a peanut butter and chocolate blend (It’s heavenly. GTown really does have the best PB frosting ever. It’s got that bitter taste of the peanuts, but it’s creamy enough to remind you it’s still frosting. I’m starting to salivate just thinking about it.) and a white chocolate peppermint mix (peppermint is my favorite–especially during the holidays). If you’re ever near a GTown, be sure to get a free one.

2. Speaking of peppermint, Twisted Peppermint by Bath & Body Works is my new favorite scent. It smells refreshing and just makes me feel more awake when I use it. The lotion even tingles when you put it on. And even though it smells strong when you first apply/smell it, it’s got this subtle vanilla flavor that lingers after you’ve left it on for a while.

3. The water. I NEVER thought I’d ever love the water. My summers as a kid were spent dreading showing my body in a bathing suit–I’ve got a stylish one from Athleta that I love wearing now–when I was at the pool so I have a pretty negative association with it. But then I hurt me knee. Since it was painful for me to do any weight-bearing exercises (thankfully I’m almost healed), the water was my best option. And even though I still hate the chlorine smell (it just won’t come off, goddamnit), I really do love the water. It’s the only truly pain-free exercise out there. I love that it’s naturally resistant and easy on my joints. And I enjoy the long, warm post-workout shower plus applying tons of lotion after that.

4. Cherry Bombe. This indie magazine really is the bombe (see what I did there?), but I’m not exaggerating here. The book is printed on thick, luxurious paper that makes the magazine nerd in me swoon. But best of all is the content. It’s packed with gorgeous, I-wish-I-could-pluck-that-cupcake-right-off-the-page photos. The text appreciates and celebrates women, food and fashion. Maybe you think those things don’t go together, but they do, and beautifully so, in this gem of a publication. And it’s intelligent to boot. Plus, with so many websites focusing on critiquing food, it really is refreshing to see a publication that’s so positive. Get yourself to your nearest bookstore STAT to snag your copy. It really has reinvigorated my love of magazines. And I was sure that wasn’t possible.

5. Death Cab for Cutie. I’ve loved this band since 2005’s Plans. This album became my own personal soundtrack for my last year of high school and will always hold a special place in my musical heart (say awe, everybody). I first heard “Summer Skin” on the radio and the rest is history. I’m writing about the band because I’ve been listening to its older works and falling in love all over again. Even though Plans will always be my favorite, I officially adore Transatlanticism’s “Title and Registration” in addition to a handful of other tracks from that critically beloved CD. If you’re not familiar with the artist (and you should be), it’s a mix of poetic-lyrics, innovative piano/electric guitar sounds and upbeat tracks set with melancholy subjects. It’s both optimistic and sad and unlike anything else you’ve ever heard. I must see this group live; If only they’d get on releasing a new album and touring.

6. Covergirl’s Perfect Penny rose gold nail polish. I’m a bit of a nail polish freak. OK, I’m a huge nail polish freak. But recently Butter London posted a photo of its rose gold nail polish, and I had to have to have it. Except I don’t (let’s be real here). And Butter London charges $15 a pop for each bottle. So that’s why I had to have Covergirl’s version of it for about $10 less. Let’s be honest, it’s probably the same stuff anyway. I’m just happy to have a winter color that isn’t red or green on hand.

7. lululemon’s In the Flow crops. This brand has received a ton of flack recently, but I still love it to death. The company’s best pieces are innovative, stylish and ultimately motivate me to get to the gym. These crops are an example of lulu at its prime. They’re seamless and somehow manage to make my legs look leaner and slimmer.

I hope your life is equally filled with things you love too.

Checking out Radiance Yoga’s New Digs

Radiance Yoga used to be one of the studios lining Old Town’s main artery, King Street. And it did have that Old Town charm. You walked up a steep staircase to a lobby and two studios that looked like it may have been someone’s personal dwelling at one time. The main one had exposed-brick walls, hard-wood floors and windows that faced out to busy King Street. It was a very comfortable, albeit small, space.

But they’ve left their old home and have traded it for a new one on Prince Street. And I must say that I was pleasantly surprised. It’s on the second floor of a very nondescript building on Prince. When I initially walked in and up the stairs to a white-walled, very plain area, I remember hoping it would be nice, and I got my wish. When you first enter on your right, there’s a bunch of shoe cubbies, a place to hang your coats, and the front desk is the next section down. Two pillars separate the cubby area from reception, so it doesn’t feel so closed off. From there, you’ll walk down a short hallway and find the centerpiece of the space. A round table with chairs and a round light that’s surrounded by this sparse, silver-painted wavy stripes on the ceiling that are supposed to look like the sun (this is Radiance Yoga, remember?). And I just loved this detailing. The main lobby was offset with one darker green/teal wall (I just love an accent wall, too), and the bathrooms were this rich purple color.


Two sets of double doors (say that five times fast) lie just outside the main lobby area that lead to the two new studios. I took class on the studio on the left. And I have to say, even though the place feels new, it’s still got that charm. The black-framed windows looked older and let in some noise, but it wasn’t nearly as intrusive as the King Street space. The floor looked worn (I’m not sure if it was new or not) and added character to the place. My instructor was tough, but great. During the very first class I took with her, she told our entire class that “we are here to sweat.” And she kept that promise. We performed plenty of vinyasas and held positions for long periods of time. My chest is still feeling all those planks we did on Saturday.Image

I’ve always felt that the space is equally as important as whoever is teaching the class. And I think Radiance has found the perfect balance between charming and old and nice and new. Go check it out if you have the chance.

Please note: you can’t make left turns from Washington Street onto Price (I know, I tried), so find another way to get there.

The Wear on My Yoga Mat

The back of my yoga mat, right where my toes rest, is looking a little rough. Some of the material has started to “chip” and there are tiny indents in the mat. And I couldn’t be happier about it.

I once took a yoga class where the instructor’s mat was worn down to the threads around the feet area because of how much she used it. And I’m proud to say that mine is getting there. No, I don’t want it to look as pristine as the day it was when I carried it out of the store. I’m content with it looking used because it means I’ve committed to the practice and have returned to the mat time and time again. Plus, it’s mean to be used, right?

So thank you mat, for all you’ve given me–including showing a few of your scars.